Mobile loyalty platform to keep customers engaged

Company : Leading Golf Company

To start an integrated Loyalty Program for their golf customers. The Point of Sale systems were using the traditional plastic card system. The issues faced were inability to roll out the new system nationwide due to high installation & maintenance cost of card readers at all the stores. Moreover customers not carrying the plastic card during transactions at these stores only compounded to the problem. The other challenges were how to identify their high spend customers & offer special schemes & promotions

Solution ::
Mobiquest™'s Mobile LOyalty Platform; M'loyal. The Platform allows the client to identify, register, reward and engage with their customers using customer mobile as the loyalty card. By using the M' Loyal platform our client can now register new customers, reward them by earning & burning points and keep connected with them all along, allowing them to establish stronger relationships having a connected loyal customer base all the time.
With real time data transfer to the head office, our client was able to track productivity of their field workers on a minute to minute basis. The solution also our client to capture the most accurate data because of various logical checks built into the mobile data entry interface unlike pen & paper where this aspect cannot be controlled.
The MobiResearch solution for this client was created to run on basic phones in the range of Rs. 2000 – 3000. 

Technical Requirements:
Any Mobile Device with Java & MIDP 2.0 Support
GPRS/EDGE for data transfer

Web Panel:
Windows Server 2005 with SQL Server 2005
.Net Framework 3.5
IIS & Tomcat Web Server

Download PDF: Know more about M'Loyal Platform::




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